Blogmas, Books

12 Days of Christmas Book Tag #blogmas

Ho, Ho, Ho (2)

I’m here with another Christmassy tag for Tag Tuesday. I found this one over at: Falling Down the Book Hole.


On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: a partridge in a pear tree
The partridge stood alone in the pear tree. What is your favourite stand alone?

One of my favourites is Unboxed by Non Pratt. It packed so much emotion into a such a short 150-page book. The characters felt so real to me and I felt everything they felt. I’m not usually one for contemporaries so when they have this kind of affect on me, I know they must be good!strange-the-dreamer

On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: two turtle doves
Love is in the air! Who is your one true pairing?

One of my more recent OTP’s are Lazlo and Sarai from Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. They’re my favourite kind of couple: sweet, romantic, thoughtful, caring. There are outside forces keeping them apart which just makes me want them together even more!The Final Empire

On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Three French Hens
In the spirit of threes, what is the best trilogy you have read?

Probably the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. It has everything I want in a fantasy: excitement, intricate plots, compelling characters and some of the best world-building and magic systems I’ve come across. This trilogy is never far from my mind.


On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: four calling birds
Since series usually consist of four or more books, what is your favourite series?

I’m only counting series I’ve completed in this and one of my favourites that I’ve finished recently is The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. It’s such a fun, light-hearted series full of humour, adorable romances and interesting world-building.

The Diviners

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: five golden rings
One ring to rule them all! Who is your Favorite Villain/Antagonist?

Naughty John from The Diviners by Libba Bray is probably the creepiest, most disturbing villain I’ve come across recently. He’s a serial killer so he’s already terrifying. But, before he kills he sings this really sinister song and hearing this via audio-book made it all the more alarming.Monstress

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: six geese a laying
Creation is a beautiful thing. What is your favourite world/world-building?   

Good world-building for me tends to be a world I can imagine myself in and fill in any gaps myself. I think Monstress Vol. 1: The Awakening by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda had some masterful world-building in it. For a first volume I already feel like I have a deep understanding of the world. It’s such an interesting world, too. I mean, a matriarchal steampunk fantasy with an Asian-setting and talking cats and monsters and witches? Hell, yes! The Gates

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: seven swans a swimming
Who needs seven swans when all it takes is one good animal sidekick? Who’s your favourite animal sidekick?

Boswell, an adorable dachshund from The Gates by John Connolly, is one of the sweetest animal companions. He’s the main character’s best friend and is there for him throughout all of the outrageous goings-on in the book. 13/10 would noggin pat.

The Girl At Midnight

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: eight maids a milking
Milk is so 18th century. Which book or series takes beverages/food to a whole new level?

The Girl At Midnight trilogy by Melissa Gray has the most gorgeous descriptions of food. The food is mostly cakes filled with cream and doughnuts and mmmmm. I am always hungry when reading these books!


On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: nine ladies dancing
Dancing is just one skill of a Lady! Who is your favourite kickass female lead?

Definitely Abigail Rook from the Jackaby series by William Ritter. She has a great sense of adventure – she left her home in England to follow her dreams of archaeology which didn’t exactly work out the way she thought it would. But, she ends up becoming a part of a detective agency that specialises in the supernatural. She’s uses her wits and her bravery to solve crimes and I ADORE her. She’s kind and good and I love her a lot.


On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: ten lords a leaping
How about your favourite leading lad?

Lazlo Strange from Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor! I mean, we’re both librarians with a great sense of curiosity for the unknown so he’s incredibly relatable to me. But he, like Abigail, just has this great sense of adventure that I find very endearing in my main my characters. His character arc was wonderful, too. I cannot wait to see where he ends up in the next book!The Strings of Murder

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me: eleven pipes piping
What is your favourite book or bookish thing with musical influence? (It can be about music, reference music a lot etc)

The Strings of Murder by Oscar de Muriel is the first book that comes to mind. The murder mystery revolves around violins and the devil which is exactly as awesome as it sounds. Violins played a very big part in this mystery which was very interesting to read about as the mystery unraveled.lord-of-shadows

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 12 drummers drumming
Drum roll please…what is your favourite read of this year?

It has to be Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare. I can’t quite put into words how much I love this series. My favourite characters exist in this story-world and that climax at the end!!! Was!!! Everything!!!

So that’s it for today’s tag! It’s my last week of work/masters for the year so I’m sorry I’ve been a little flaky with my blogmas posts lately! I will be posting a couple a day for the next few days hopefully. My own fault entirely for thinking working part-time, doing a masters full-time and posting every day would be a good idea! 😂 Hope you’re all having a good December so far 💜

Merry #blogmas 1

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